The Tories have complained to the broadcasting regulator over the Channel 4 News climate debate
Philip Dunne, who is seeking re-election as the MP for Ludlow, made the remarks to Kuldip Sahota during a debate in a local church.
Jo Swinson used a keynote campaign speech to attack Mr Johnson over his sense of ‘Etonian entitlement’.
The pattern in 2015 and 2017 suggests a lot can change in the two weeks before polling day.
What really happens when Boris Johnson visits your hospital.
The Conservatives have been allowed to dictate pre-election media coverage as Boris switches real debates for scone fiascos.
The projection suggests none of the candidates who defected to the Liberal Democrats in recent months will win their campaigns.
Insiders say a key mistake up until now was overestimating the electoral threat from the Liberal Democrats, and underestimating the likelihood of Leave voters switching from Labour to the Conservatives.
He said it was “outrageous" that married couples should fund "'the single mothers' desire to procreate independently of men.” – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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