Johnson will cheat and the question he'll ask himself is 'can I get away with it?'
Titled #ToryStory, it appears to have been penned by a person who claims to have lived in poverty for a decade, dating back to the last Labour government in 2010.
Corbyn, who first won the seat in 1983, picked up 73 per cent of the vote in 2017, up 12.7 per cent on the last election.
John McDonnell highlighted the scale of inequality in the UK, saying an estimated 135,000 children will be homeless on Christmas Day.
Swastikas were daubed on a section of Lisa Cameron’s campaign leaflet.
Jeremy Corbyn said it ‘can’t be right’ that people were living on the streets in Britain and vowed to give up Chequers to those without a home.
As many as nine seats could fall to Labour in London if it performs well.
The old Routemaster bus displayed a poster saying, "Another whopper on the side of a bus. Must be an election".
"There is far, far more that unites us than divides us", the Prime Minister said. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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