She said: “I will happily wager to strip naked on the banks of Loch Ness and subject myself to a Hogmanay wild swimming session should such a result occur".
“Where most of us were watching this and seeing a tragedy unfolding before our eyes, instead of seeing a tragedy, Boris Johnson saw an opportunity, and he went on the offensive."
The Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising has called for all political advertising to be subject to fact-checking as a legal requirement following what it describes as a "fake news and disinformation general election".
University of Sussex academics have suggested such an arrangement could accelerate Scottish independence.
The comedy candidate will face the Prime Minister in the Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said his party’s plans for the NHS are ‘completely credible’.
He said the situation facing Labour was ‘abysmal’ because voters ‘can’t stand Corbyn’ and think the party has ‘blocked Brexit’.
The t-shirt mimics the Tesco logo, and reads: "Tories, very little help."
Sarah Williment covered her four-year-old son, Jack, with coats to keep him warm as he waited for a bed at Leeds General Infirmary. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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