The ex-justice secretary warned that even if Johnson wanted to extend the transition period to negotiate a new free trade deal with the EU, he would be unable to do so.
The results are consistent with a general uptick in positive sentiment across the continent.
Liberal Democrat leader suggests a secret election deal was agreed between Johnson and Farage.
Labour’s Rosie Duffield, who won the seat in 2017 with a majority of less than 200, said the choice facing voters was ‘now clear’.
Heckles and praise demonstrated the difficulty Labour is facing.
The results follow a series of scandals that have rocked the Conservative campaign.
Brexit Party candidate Wayne Bayley said "Nigel has sold us all down the river in exchange for a peerage."
The party said it was confident there had been no data breach.
The Brexit Party leader insisted he would turn down either a peerage or a knighthood. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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