He also took the opportunity to call Michel Barnier and Ursula von der Leyen "faceless bureaucrats" who are "dull as dishwater".
The shadow foreign secretary declined to name anyone specifically but said ‘people know who it is that I’m talking about’.
The Scottish First Minister confirmed she has written to Boris Johnson to formally request the power to hold another vote.
Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins and far-right party Britain First have all thrown their weight behind the Conservatives this week.
Emma Dent Coad said she had the cancer removed and reconstructive surgery just three days before the vote in which she lost her seat by 150 votes.
The SDLP’s Claire Hanna wrote to Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle to raise her concerns.
The ad strategy echoes that of Vote Leave in 2016, which used data harvested by Cambridge Analytica to target voters.
The shadow foreign secretary is the first Labour figure to formally announce a bid for the top job.
Guy Verhofstadt threatened Boris Johnson with denying the UK its Brexit January 31 deadline
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