Senior party figures want Boris Johnson to bring forward plans to reduce the number of MPs from 650 to 600 - which could hand him a 104 seat majority.
Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have stated they do not believe it is the right time for any border poll on reunification.
The newly-installed Speaker said a seat in the House of Lords ‘should be offered’ to the controversial figure.
The independent candidate talks to The London Economic about his bid to become mayor of a city of 700 villages.
It is also claimed the MP over-egged the origins of her inspiration to get into politics.
Robert ‘Woody’ Johnson also said the White House’s view on a trade deal between the US and UK as ‘very positive’.
The BBC's political editor suggested that history will not look kindly on those who tried to undo the exit.
Special advisers have cost the taxpayer £9.6 million so far this year, £700,000 more than the 2018 total.
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