She said one of the biggest changes is likely to be in the area of Whitehall recruitment and training.
If he decides to run, Keir Starmer is heading for a "fairly emphatic" victory.
The London Mayor said he will vote for the candidate who understands the party "lost the argument" on December 12th.
In a New Year message, the PM says leaving the EU will finally end the ‘rancour and uncertainty’ holding Britain back.
A few choice figures that sum up a decade of Conservative austerity:
Jeremy Corbyn vows Labour will continue to defend UK’s public services, NHS, environment from Tories
The petition author said Duncan Smith is "responsible for some of the cruellest most extreme welfare reforms this country has ever seen"
A Britain First spokeswoman said: “We will support a party that is willing to take a firm stance against radical Islam and it looks like the Tories are willing to do that.”
The group said the party’s defeat stemmed primarily from a ‘focus on nationalisation and uncontrolled spending commitments’. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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