Emily Thornberry and Clive Lewis will find out whether they have sufficient support to make it through to the next stage of the contest.
He said the alliance's chief, Jens Stoltenberg, seemed "very excited" by the suggestion.
Long-Bailey also said Corbyn bore responsibility for antisemitism in party.
The left wing campaign group also said Angela Rayner should become the party’s deputy.
The leadership frontrunner launches his leadership campaign with a promise to hound Boris Johnson relentlessly in Parliament.
Kate Griffiths said that to mark the UK leaving the European Union breweries should brew a celebratory Brexit beer.
A Lords committee has criticised Boris Johnson’s revision to his Brexit legislation only days before it comes to the upper house for debate.
Clive Lewis has called for major constitutional changes.
The shadow Treasury minister said it was the party’s job to explain to voters its quest for better conditions was not a ‘mad socialist perspective’.
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