The grime artist said Corbyn is "the first man in a position of power who is committed to giving the power back to the people and helping those who need a helping hand".
"I'm sorry that my face scares not only children but animals now as well", Tory candidate James Airey said.
Jeff Bezos's philanthropic efforts didn't wash with the Labour leader.
The former prime minister said he would still vote Labour but could understand why people might vote for Liberal Democrat candidates.
Lee Anderson didn't realise he was mic'd up when he rang an acquaintance, saying "make out that you know who I am, that I’m a candidate not a friend alright?”
Here's the full list of state-owned British rail operators.
The former prime minister will deliver a speech on Monday.
It comes after comments on Grenfell Tower and his poor etiquette in the House of Commons.
"I recognise much of the Conservative manifesto because they're things that I have campaigned on for years", he said. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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