Peers vote for EU citizens to be given physical proof of right to stay in UK after Brexit.
The position was agreed without dissent following a near three-hour debate in Northern Ireland.
Keir Hardie rose from humble beginnings to become one of Britain's most notable politicians and the first Labour leader.
Everything you need to know about voting for the next Labour Party leader and deputy leader.
It comes after a campaign to urge 'centrists' who left over Jeremy Corbyn to return to the party.
The Labour leadership hopeful used 'I' 13 times in the first paragraph of a Guardian opinion piece.
Michael Russell has raised concerns over the lack of involvement of devolved governments in the process.
Jess Phillips said she did not hope that Brexit fails or causes a ‘calamity’ in the country.
It has been suggested the upper house of parliament could be transferred from Westminster to York. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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