She was asked whether she accepts that it's a gross injustice that nurses are forced to use food banks while fat-cat bosses receive obscene pay-outs.
Starmer is now as short as 1/4 to win, well ahead of his nearest rival Rebecca Long-Bailey.
The report points the blame at Brexit, saying Corbyn was the victim of four years of unrelenting attacks on his character.
Detailed stocktaking of global political sentiment began in 1995.
The official shop sells tea towels and mugs but surprisingly no toy Brexit bus.
Lord Mayor of the City of London William Russell suggested the scale of reaching net-zero emissions is too big for the public sector to face alone.
Senior Tory reveals the one Labour leadership candidate they don’t want to get in.
The Labour leadership candidate has called for solidarity across borders.
The tracker also found Corbyn's favourability has improved from record lows ahead of the election - highlighting the impact of the media smear campaign against him at the time. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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