Has Farage thrown the towel in?
"If the Conservatives are 15 points ahead in Wrexham, it suggests that nearby constituencies such as Clwyd South and Vale of Clwyd could also fall."
But it should be "democratically controlled".
She said “they don’t understand money” and get happiness just from working.
The Labour leader said a confidential report paints a ‘damning picture’ of Boris Johnson’s deal, especially when it came to Northern Ireland.
“The BBC does not have a role as a protagonist in the General Election", Andrew Gwynne said.
"We've always proceeded in good faith that the leaders would participate. And in every election they have, all of them. Until this one."
Every other leader of Britain’s major political parties has agreed to appear on ITV’s Tonight programme, but Boris Johnson’s team confirmed that he would not be taking part.
The Lib Dem leader said the so-called bedroom tax was not ‘the right policy and we should have stopped it’.
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