The cost to ring Big Ben for Brexit was ridiculous so he made his own bell instead - called Lympstone's Little Bell.
The PM and the EU’s Michel Barnier will set out their positions as the next stage of the Brexit saga begins.
Hundreds of Brexiteers in Bradford celebrated the UK's withdrawal from the EU at 11pm last night - with a few revellers attempting to light an EU flag on fire but failing
Boris Johnson will use a speech on Monday to tell European leaders he would prefer to accept border checks than EU rules.
The shadow foreign secretary described herself as the ‘most experienced of the candidates’ as she urged those attending a hustings to nominate her.
But she's not the continuity candidate....
Mr Tusk said he felt "very Scottish" following Brexit, saying Scotland would be treated with "empathy" if they gain independence.
The poster urges residents to "evolve or leave" now we "finally have our great country back".
Boris Johnson is prepared to accept a trade deal akin to a no-deal arrangement from the European Union. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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