
‘Not so Cleverly’: Twitter users find themselves agreeing with Farage over ‘liars and charlatans’ post

Social media users have found themselves agreeing with Nigel Farage after he blasted the home secretary for sharing misleading figures.

James Cleverly –  fresh from telling a terrible joke about sedating his wife by using Rohypnol – made a claim about small boat crossings that has since been community noted using figures from, you guessed it…. the Home Office!

The senior Tory suggested that the lack of migrants arriving on our shores was down to the hard work of the UK government, Border Force officials, and their French counterparts. However, he made one rather glaring omission.

Storm Gerrit has been causing havoc across the UK, flooding towns and creating hazardous conditions. Winds pushing 90km/h have been reported around the British Isles, with gale-force winds making the seas that surround us utterly treacherous.

As per the government’s own literature, adverse weather conditions play a massive part in reducing boat crossings. Over the last week, heavy rain and blustery conditions have besieged the UK. Mr. Cleverly, however, didn’t want to mention that part.

Posting on X (formerly Twitter), Farage said: “I am close to Dover now, the wind has been gusting 50mph… That is why there are no migrant crossings. You charlatans and liars all deserve to lose your seats at the election.”

The post has been retweeted by Mike Galsworthy, the chair of the European Movement, which states its goal as “reversing the calamity of Brexit and restoring relations with our European neighbours.”

Politics in 2023, eh!

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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