
Running scared? Farage now ‘refusing to appear’ on Laura Kuenssberg’s show

For anyone wondering how Nigel Farage would cope with pressure of actually being elected to Parliament, we’ve now got a fairly good idea. The Reform leader has chucked his toys out of the pram, following an under-par performance on Question Time.

ALSO READ: Question Time audience laughs, after Nigel Farage sets out ‘small boats’ plan

Why is Nigel Farage threatening to boycott the BBC… again?

Farage received a grilling from members of the audience on Friday night. He was nailed for the racist comments made by several Reform activists, and his own lack of detail regarding his plans to handle small boat crossings.

Rather than take it on the chin, the biggest backer of Brexit has instead decided to lash out at the BBC. Earlier in the day, he rambled about the crowd being ‘rigged’ against him, and kicked-off about one participant’s pro-Palestine views.

Nigel Farage demands apology after Question Time grilling

If you thought that was thin-skinned, things only escalated on Saturday afternoon. Nigel Farage took to Twitter/X to confirm he was PULLING OUT of an appearance on Laura Kuenssberg’s Sunday morning show – unless he receives an apology.

Mr. Farage believes the BBC assembled a ‘dishonest’ audience, and branded the broadcaster as a ‘political actor’.

“I have just been invited to appear on Laura Kuenssberg. I’m refusing until the BBC apologises for their dishonest Question Time audience on Friday night.”

“Our state broadcaster has behaved like a political actor throughout this election. Reform will be campaigning vigorously to abolish the license fee.” | Nigel Farage

Reform leader mocked over interview refusal

The astonishing outburst has been met with ridicule and condemnation. Some have pointed out that Farage previously threatened to boycott the BBC in 2019, only to appear multiple times on the channel over the last five years.

His ability to roll with the punches has now come under serious scrutiny. LBC host and political writer James O’Brien delivered the most scathing critique, however, and slammed the senior politician for his ‘pathetic whining’.

“The speed with which he resorts to pathetic whining and bogus victimhood whenever he’s exposed to the mildest scrutiny is extraordinary. Whenever the bullshit and the bluster fail, the bleating begins.” | James O’Brien

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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Tags: Nigel Farage