
Lib Dem by-election candidate blames car crash interview on drinking coffee too quickly

The Liberal Democrat candidate contesting the forthcoming Somerton and Frome by-election has blamed a lack of caffeine for a disastrous interview with the Guardian.

Sarah Dyke sat down with journalist John Harris on the second day of the Lib Dem’s campaign to take the Blue Wall seat vacated by David Warburton.

But it descended into chaos after she fielded some softball questions on deprivation in the area, with listeners describing it as “cringe-worthy” and “excruciating”.

Asked by Harris about deprivation in the area, Dyke replied:

“Yeah, there’s, there’s, you know, there is obviously that does have a look of affluence in the area. It’s a beautiful area. We’re very, very lucky to live in this part of the world. But there are pockets of deprivation. And you know, there’s…”

She faded to a halt mid-answer, before a third party presumed to be a press officer was heard saying “It’s okay, take your time”.

Dyke was then heard blaming her pause on having “drank coffee far too quickly”.

The recording then ran on to the Lib Dem candidate in the key by-election asking: “What do you want to know, something that’s a subject that I don’t know anything about?”

Harris asked the same question about deprivation, with Dyke flippantly responding: “Yeah, I mean, there’s pockets of deprivation. I mean, what else, you know, what can we say on that? Really?

“I don’t feel like feel that I’m prepared at all for this. I mean, it’s all getting a little bit above… above my station. Sorry.”

The Guardian journalist pointed out: “You’re about to stand in a by-election, you’re going to get much much more exacting questioners than us”.

The press officer was heard saying “let’s get you a glass of water” before requesting the recording be stopped.

The candidate was also asked about the mortgage crisis, however, mumbled: “I don’t really know much”.

Posting on Twitter after the interview, Dyke said: “I messed up in an interview on the first day of this campaign”, blaming nerves.

Ed Balls responded to the tweet, saying:” It’s really hard doing these interviews for the first time, as I know from my own rather painful debut interview when I first stood to be an MP nearly 20 years ago.

“So well done Sarah Dyke for putting yourself forward – just keep on going past any initial bumps in the road.”

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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