
Jacob Rees-Mogg has ruined World in Motion for everyone, forever

Jacob Rees-Mogg recited the John Barnes rap from World In Motion as England fever swept through the House of Commons on Thursday

The Conservative minister quoted New Order’s Italia 90 anthem before praising the “excellent leadership from Mr Southgate” for guiding England to Sunday’s Euro 2020 final against Italy.

The Commons Leader, in his familiar drawl, said: “Everyone, I think, is rejoicing at the football success and I think the line to take is from Mr Barnes.

“You’ve got to hold and give but do it at the right time.

“You can be slow or fast but you must get to the line.

“Can I reassure you, Mr Speaker, that we ain’t no hooligans, this ain’t a football song.

“Three Lions on my chest, I know we can’t go wrong.

“Or as another John put it, John Dryden, for they can conquer who believe they can.”

But it’s safe to say that Rees-Mogg’s take on the famous rap has not gone down well in all quarters. Here are some of the best reactions from the Twittersphere.






Now, as a much-needed palette-cleanser, here’s Barnes and New Order with the real McCoy.

Related: England team to donate Euros prize money millions to NHS

Henry Goodwin

Henry is a reporter with a keen interest in politics and current affairs. He read History at the University of Cambridge and has a Masters in Newspaper Journalism from City, University of London. Follow him on Twitter: @HenGoodwin.

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