
Heidi Allen plans to lead coalition of anti-Brexit parties

Heidi Allen has revealed plans to form a coalition of anti-Brexit parities at the next General Election.

The former Change UK MP told Business Insider this week that she believed an alliance could return enough “pro-Remain, moderate, outward-looking MPs” to form a government at the next election.

It is hoped that anti-Brexit parties — the Liberal Democrats, Green Party, Change UK, and Plaid Cymru — will agree to stand aside for one another in seats in order to maximise the chances of a pro-Remain candidate winning.

She predicted that more MPs would quit the Conservatives and Labour and join the growing group of independent MPs, with the “independent space” forming the basis of an emergency government.

Allen, the MP for South Cambridgeshire, said the plan would be for candidates to share a descriptor at the next election, which would appear next to the name of their party on the ballot paper.

An example would be, “the Liberal Democrats — Unite to Remain”, with a shared logo also potentially brought in.

She said that if the Remain movement is to succeed, and ultimately stop Brexit, “it can’t be about party-first.”

“Party-first is what has got us into this mess by creating an opposition that’s not fit for a purpose and a prime minister that’s been bullied into a corner.

“This is a real moment in time for MPs to stand up and be counted, and there’s definitely an appetite for doing things differently.”

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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