
Heckler tells Boris: “The whole country is living in poverty. It’s a joke”

Boris Johnson received another frosty welcome as he visited residents in Yorkshire.

The Prime Minister, who was criticised for “turning up late” to flood-hit Stainforth, had to face the music twice in one day as one man branded the Conservatives the “biggest thieves in the country”.

Confronting Johnson on the rife inequality in the country, he said:

“You’re a joke, like. The whole country is living in poverty. It’s a joke.

“People are living on the streets. Kids are living on the streets. Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody.”

Biggest thieves in the country

In video released by LBC Radio, another man is seen to take up the heckling as the situation intensifies.

“Everybody is living in poverty. Fuck the government. Fuck the council,” he says as Johnson is ushered away by his aides.

“Biggest thieves in the country. Trying to bill me for £50,000. You’re not getting a bean out of me.”

Food bank use

The criticism was pointed at Johnson after new figures from the Trussell Trust revealed that a record number of emergency parcels were handed out between April and September this year.

More than 820,000 emergency food parcels were given out in the last six months, marking the busiest period in the charity’s history.

Some 301,653 went to children, a 23 per cent increase on the same period in 2018.

Chief executive Emma Revie said: “Our benefits system is supposed to protect us all from being swept into poverty, but currently thousands of women, men and children are not receiving sufficient protection from destitution.

“This is not right. But we know this situation can be fixed – our benefits system could be the key to unlocking people from poverty.

“This General Election, all political parties must pledge to protect people from hunger by ensuring everyone has enough money for the basics.

“We want our next government to start working towards a future where no one needs a food bank by ending the five week wait for Universal Credit; ensuring benefit payments cover the cost of living; and investing in local emergency support for people in crisis.”

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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