
Grant Shapps says Boris Johnson’s father was within his rights to travel to Greece

Grant Shapps refused to condemn the decision of Boris Johnson’s father to travel to Greece in a Sky News interview with Kay Burley this morning.

Stanley Johnson flouted a travel ban on UK travellers entering Greece by flying to his holiday home via Bulgaria earlier this week.

He told his social media followers that he was there on “essential business” because he had to Covid-proof his property ahead of the letting season, but many people weren’t buying the excuse.

Gerry Stergiopoulos tweeted: “One rule for Johnson senior, another for us plebs!

“I can’t travel to Greece to see my beloved grandma who just broke her hip & at 95 might not have long to live. But Stanley Johnson IGNORED the UK to Greece travel ban & sneaked in via Bulgaria to visit his holiday home!!”

James Felton added: “The message “please stay in Leicester” might go down better if the Prime Minister’s dad hadn’t fucked off to Greece.”

But the secretary of state for transport was more resolute during interviews this morning.

He said: “It’s advice so everyone can decide what to do with the advice.’

Pressed on whether the advice was optional he said “yes, the clue’s in the name but the quarantine isn’t”.

Related: Johnson and Sturgeon governments clash over air bridges

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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