
First pictures of Boris Blimp due to float above Westminster this weekend revealed

The first pictures of a Boris Blimp due to float above Westminster this weekend have been leaked on social media.

Business Insider political reporter Adam Payne shared images of the Boris inflatable, with the blonde-haired and red-faced politician sporting a t-shirt with the infamous £350 million Brexit bus on it.

Anti-Brexit campaigners will take to the streets of central London this weekend with a simple message – ‘no to Boris, yes to Europe’.

Organisers of the March For Change protest say they want to send a clear message to the new prime minister, country and world that the people want Brexit to be stopped.

It will take place days before the new prime minister – likely to be Boris Johnson – is sworn in.

Last month it was revealed that the Museum of London will acquire the Donald Trump and Baby Khan Blimps as part of permanent collection.

In a statement, the museum said: “London has played host to many historic protests. From the Suffragettes of the early twentieth century to the anti-austerity marches, free speech and climate change rallies – the capital has always been the place to have your say.

“If acquired, the balloons will join the Museum of London’s protest collection which comprises objects relating to the Suffrage movement 100 years ago, banners, flags, and tents that belonged to Brian Haw who used to actively protest outside the Houses of Parliament, as well as recent placards used by protesters against public spending cuts.”

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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