
Express readers predict a Trump landslide in election

Delusional readers of the Daily Express have predicted a Donald Trump landslide in Tuesday’s election, with 83 per cent saying the Republican will emerge victorious in the race for the White House.

Polling carried out on their website revealed just 14 per cent of the 1,833 respondents believed Joe Biden will be voted in, while three per cent said they didn’t know.

One reader said: “Let’s hope Americans vote like we did. Trump landslide.”

Another said: “Trump has the silent majority. They come out to put the X in the box.

“Who shouts loudest doesn’t always win.”

While others added: “Looking forward to another Trump victory and watching the utter dismay amongst the EU dictators.”

National polls

But their optimism could be short lived if national polling is to be believed.

Opinium’s final poll of the 2020 election showed Biden is 14 points ahead of Trump and on track to win 55 per cent of the popular vote compared to 41 per cent for his opponent.

The poll suggests that Biden’s lead is a result of his ability to attract swing voters (those who consider themselves in the political ‘middle’ and don’t identify as Republicans or Democrats) as well as some of those who didn’t vote in 2016.

Three fifths of likely voters who voted for a candidate other than Trump or Clinton in 2016 and 56 per cent of likely voters who consider themselves politically ‘neutral’ (neither Republicans nor Democrats) plan to vote for Biden this year.

A smaller percentage (10 per cent) who voted for Trump in 2016 have switched their vote to support Biden this year.

“Resilient” and “brave” Trump

Last week Nigel Farage hailed Trump “resilient” and “brave” as he took to the stage at a rally in Arizona.

The former Ukiper headed out to the States for the second time to join the president, months after he showed up at a sparsely attended event in Tulsa during the height of lockdown.

The president described the Brexit campaigner as the “king of Europe” before calling him to the stage in Goodyear.

“He’s a very non-controversial person, right?,” Trump joked. “Very shy.”

Taking the microphone, Farage responded to Trump that he was neither – not “compared to you”.

Farage went on: “Four years ago, I was honoured to come to America to bring the Brexit message … the message that you can beat the Establishment

“That is what Donald Trump did.

“He beat the pollsters. He beat the media. He beat all the predictions. And here’s the worst bit, they’ve never forgiven him for it.”

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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