
Dominic Cummings’ latest Substack reads like an April Fools’ joke

Before setting out some extracts from Dominic Cummings’ most recent Substack posting, snippets of which were released by email on 29th March, we must warn you that this doesn’t appear to be an April Fools’ prank.

I add this caution because I suspect that, like me, when you read the extracts you will be so gobsmacked by the level of delusion that you almost think it must be a wind-up.

But no, the extracts below are real. The following is what Dominic Cummings actually believes:

“The only future for the Tories was to let Vote Leave transform them into a new party 2020-24. The Party would now be unrecognisable: CCHQ closed and the party re-opened in the midlands with the rancid old guard ‘retired’, the economy would be extremely different and millions of swing voters would have vanished from the 40% tax rate…

The government would be years into a national project to rebuild the NHS, it would be far more ‘on the right’ on violent crime/borders etc than the median Tory MP, we’d have left the ECHR amid widespread applause that shattered Labour …. 

The trans madness and other manifestations of the Left’s Gadarene-psychosis would have been crushed, the broken Northcote-Trevelyan model of a closed-caste civil service recruiting only from within…..

We’d be very popular with ex-Labour voters, we’d be about to crush Starmer and the SW1 debate would be about a startup party replacing Labour”

Well, at least we promised you it would be funny!

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David Sefton

I was originally a barrister then worked as lawyer across the world, before starting my own private equity firm. I have been and continue to act as a director of public and private firms, as well as being involved in political organisations and publishers.

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