
Dad who confronted Johnson at hospital is ‘loving,anxious father who is exasperated at the pressure on the NHS’

A frustrated dad who confronted Boris Johnson during a hospital visit was described as a “loving anxious father” by his local MP.

Omar Salem had called his MP Wes Streeting on Tuesday night to raised concerns about the care his seven-day-old daughter was receiving at Whipps Cross Hospital in London.

Mr Streeting, Labour MP for Ilford North, criticised the PM for how he handled the situation at the east London hospital.

He said: “I think what people are seeing on their TV screens is a loving, anxious father who is exasperated at the pressure on the NHS.

“I have been supporting the family prior to his encounter with the Prime Minister this morning.

“He had contacted me late last night about his concerns about his daughter and his service at Whipps Cross Hospital.

“When the Prime Minister arrived today, I think he got the brunt of the family’s frustration.”

Mr Streeting said the worst part of the ambush was Mr Johnson’s blatant denial that members of the press were present as they were “clicking” in the background.

He said: “I think the worst part was not the criticism of the service that was taking place there, but that he denied that there were press there when there were press there clicking and taking photos.

“You don’t get a second chance at first impressions and all people’s first impressions of Boris Johnson as a Prime Minister have left him wanting.

“I think members of the public are becoming increasingly frustrated with photos and campaign visits when they want to see him sat down dealing with Brexit and other important issues.”

Mr Streeting said the NHS “cannot go on like this” and referred to failures within its services such as delayed treatment and cancelled operations.

He described the NHS as “one of our most precious institutions” but warned that it needs investment.

He added: “I think the important thing here is that the Prime Minister listens to what parents are saying and understands the pressures in the NHS and does something about it.

“I have seen as a constituent MP the real pressures the NHS are under, despite the dedication and commitment from people.

“I am afraid to say that as a local MP for the area, the feedback I get for the NHS is mixed.

“Some people have an absolutely fantastic experience.

“But the pressures on the NHS is such that not everybody receives the service that they should, and I hope the Prime Minister understands the pressures on the NHS and does something about it.”

‘The NHS has been destroyed and now you come here for a press opportunity’ angry dad tells Boris Johnson on hospital visit

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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