
#CorbynWasRight trend continues as price of Amoxicillin skyrockets

People are using the hashtag #CorbynWasRight again after the price of Amoxicillin has skyrocketed as demands soars due to Strep A infections.

A senior executive in the pharmaceutical sector who consented to an anonymous interview with Sky News revealed that the price of the antibiotic Amoxicillin had increased from 80p to £18.

Jeremy Corbyn raised the case of Luis Walker, a nine-year-old boy he met on Monday who is living with cystic fibrosis and is being denied the medicine he needs – Orkambi – because its manufacturer refuses to sell the drug to the NHS for an affordable price.

The Labour leader attacked the pharmaceutical industry and drug companies for putting “profits for shareholders before people’s lives” in the case of Luis and thousands of others suffering from illnesses such as cystic fibrosis, hepatitis C and breast cancer.

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