
“Confident, Assured And Comfortable” – Commentators’ Early Verdicts On Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party Conference Speech

In a performance that even critics would regard as confident and signalling Jeremy Corbyn is as he said today ready to be “on the threshold of power”, the leader of the Labour Party ended an interesting Brighton Conference on a high note with a speech taht brought the house down.

To a rapturous reception, the leader of the Labour Party declared: “we are now the political mainstream!”

And he warned Theresa May that the Labour Party are more prepared than ever for a general election.

The Labour leader attacked Theresa May’s government for a disastrous record of misery for the most vulnerable in society, hapless Brexit divisions, and met criticisms that the conference had shied away from Brexit, by setting out a Labour plan that would “guarantee unimpeded access to the Single Market.”

These are some of the early reactions to his speech which you can see and read in full below:

Jeremy Corbyn’s speech to Brighton Conference in full:



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Ben Gelblum

Contributing & Investigations Editor & Director of Growth wears glasses and curly hair cool ideas to: ben.gelblum (at) thelondoneconomic.com @BenGelblum

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