
Bricks and trawler: Boris wields kipper in final Tory leadership hustings

Boris Johnson wielded a kipper in the final Tory leadership hustings last night.

The front-runner to become the next Prime Minister used the smoked fish an example of EU rules increasing business costs.

He told the crowd: “If you want to understand why it is that we must leave the EU and the advantages of coming out, I want you to consider this kipper which has been presented to me just now by the editor of a national newspaper who received it from a kipper smoker in the Isle of Man who is utterly furious because after decades of sending kippers like this through the post, he has had his costs massively increased by Brussels bureaucrats who insist that each kipper must be accompanied by this, a plastic ice pillow.

He added: “Pointless, expensive, environmentally-damaging health and safety, ladies and gentlemen. When we come out therefore, we will not only be able to end this damaging regulatory overkill, but we will also be able to do things to boost Britain’s economy and we will be able to establish an identity as a truly global Britain and get our mojo back.”

The move echoed a Conservative Party conference in 2014 when Johnson wielded a brick to emphasise his point that London’s growth benefits other parts of the country.

He held one of the fire bricks aloft, and at one point in his 30 minute speech, actually talked to it, telling it that it was not alone.


This content was supplied for The London Economic Newspaper by PA (Press Association UK).

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