
Brexiteer says the only way the UK can gain economic growth is by ‘rejoining the EU’

The UK must rejoin the EU to regain economic prosperity, a former Brexiteer has told LBC.

New research suggests one in five Leave backers now feel that it was wrong to vote in favour of leaving the European Union.

Overall, 56 per cent of Brits think the UK was wrong to leave compared to 32 per cent who still believe it was the right decision.

It equates to a massive 24 point gap.

One LBC caller, who voted for Brexit in 2016, told Lewis Goodall: “Brexit has been a disaster. I think if we’re struggling for growth, we need to rejoin the customs union and the common market.”

Talking of what needs to change, he said: “With the state that we’re in now, I’d love to see a political party campaigning to join the customs union and the common market and if not, set the ball rolling to join the EU again.”

“I think the Labour Party lost the last election because of the position that it had on Brexit and I think Keir Starmer is going to lose the next election if he doesn’t change his position on Brexit,” the caller forecasted.

“We didn’t know the full implications of what it meant…we were sold a utopia that was never going to happen and it never is going to happen.”

“There’s no way out of this cost of living crisis without growth…and the way to get growth is to rejoin the EU. You just need to look at the state of the economy…it’s ridiculous.”

Related: Senior government figures paving path towards Swiss-style ties with EU

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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