
Braverman expected to defect to Reform because ‘she has no mates and has pissed off the gays’ – reports

Suella Braverman is expected to defect to Reform UK as she struggles to win support for a run for leadership.

The former home secretary has been accused of having a nervous breakdown after she hit out at “liberal Conservatives” at an event in Washington DC and at a Popular Conservatism gathering in London.

In a speech to burnish her leadership credentials with the Tory right, the ex-home secretary said the Progress version of the Pride flag represented “a horrible political campaign I disagreed with” and described trying to have it removed from her Marsham Street office.

She also said the flag symbolised support for “the mutilation of children in our hospitals”, something which she said “physically repulsed” her.

The comments have been slammed by LGBTQ+ campaigners, who have slammed the incendiary remarks.

Braverman has also faced criticism from her own party, with former candidate and LBC presenter Iain Dale tweeting: “What a disgusting speech.

“And she seriously thinks she has a chance of leading the Conservative party. Not while I have a breath left in my body. Moderate Conservatives need to stand up and be counted. This will not stand.”

According to reports in the i, the speech has seriously damaged her chances of being selected as the next leader of the Tory Party.

“She’s lost all her mates and pissed off the gays so I think she will bugger off to Reform,” a Tory MP said. “She has no chance of being leader and she thinks she is bigger than she is so what is there left for her?”

Kemi Badenoch is currently the favourite to succeed Rishi Sunak.

Other possible candidates for the party leadership include James Cleverly; Dame Priti Patel, who served as home secretary between July 2019 and September 2022; Robert Jenrick, who previously served as immigration minister; and ex-health secretary Victoria Atkins.

Right-wingers and more moderate Tories are expected to battle it out for the top job in a contest that could shape the party for years to come.

Shadow chancellor Jeremy Hunt, a centrist figure in the party, has ruled out running.

The 1922 Committee on Tuesday elected Bob Blackman as its new chair, but not without Tory MP Mark Francois complaining the vote was “bent” after he attempted to vote but was turned away.

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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