
Boris Johnson impersonator to run for Rejoin EU Party in North Shropshire by-election

A Boris Johnson impersonator is set to run to replace Owen Paterson in the North Shropshire by-election next month.

Some 14 candidates have thrown their names into the hat to become an MP following the resignation of Paterson, who had been the constituency MP since 1997.

He resigned after a report by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards found that he had broken paid advocacy rules.

Boris Been-Bunged

Drew Galdron will stand for the party that wants to reverse Brexit in next month’s election.

In a video posted on Twitter by the party’s leader Richard Hewison, Mr Galdron – standing as Boris Been-Bunged – says he’s coming to North Shropshire “for all the sleaze, every single bit of sleaze”.

When asked about plans, he says: “I’m determined to ignore any of the corruption,” before later adding: “I’ll do anything for power old boy.”

Outlining his manifesto, Mr Galdron later said: “I’m so pleased to be picked to fight this by election. That the last MP managed to get paid £300,000 a year to lobby for companies is an absolute disgrace. I could have got loads more!

“Sorry, I’ve been doing these impersonations too long and it’s all too sleazy to accidentally slip into character.”

Full list of candidates

Rejoin EU Party Leader Richard Hewison added: “We were genuinely disappointed when the talk of a unity anti-corruption activist in this by-election fell apart due to the ‘business as usual’ tribal politics of the big opposition parties.

“We had hoped they would grasp the opportunity to join forces to get rid of this rotten Brexit government.”

Boris Been-Bunged – is up against 13 other candidates in the by-election, which is being held on Thursday, December 16.

The full list of candidates standing in the election is:

Suzie Akers Smith, Independent

Andrea Christabel Allen, UKIP

Boris Been-Bunged, Rejoin EU

Martin Edward Daubney, The Reclaim Party

Russell Fraser Dean, The Party Party

James Alexander Elliot, Heritage Party

Howling Lord Hope, The Official Monster Raving Looney Party

Earl Elvis Phillipe Jesse, Freedom Alliance The Real Alternative

Yolande Ann Kenward, IndependentDuncan Alistair Kerr, Green Party

Helen Margaret Lillian Morgan, Liberal Democrats

Neil Shastri Hurst, The Conservative Party

Kirsty Rebecca Walmsley, Reform UK

Ben Wood, Labour

Related: Johnson will U-turn on scaled-back rail plan, George Osborne predicts

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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