
Bill Bailey savages Tories ahead of the General Election

Bill Bailey tore into the Conservatives ahead of the General Election, accusing them of using “wartime” tactics to get voters on side.

Rishi Sunak has warned that Sir Keir Starmer could inflict “irreversible damage” on the UK within 100 days of entering Downing Street as time runs out for him to save the Tories’ election hopes.

The Prime Minister said Labour “cannot be trusted” and predicted that the plan to impose VAT on private schools would cause “chaos” for families.

Writing in The Telegraph, he said: “It’s clear that Labour would do irreversible damage within just 100 days of coming to power.

“Whether it’s announcing a suite of tax rises or throwing thousands of families’ plans for the autumn term into chaos, with children wondering if they will have a desk at school to go back to.

“Labour would throw open our borders with their illegal migrant amnesty and free movement for under-30s in their deal with the EU, making us the soft touch migrant capital of the world.

“They cannot be trusted. We must not surrender our taxes, our borders and our security to them. Only the Conservatives will deliver tax cuts, a growing economy and a brighter, more secure future for everyone.”

But according to Bailey, the whole notion of “surrendering” is complete rubbish.

Here’s why:

Related: People can’t get over Theresa May door-knocking ahead of the election

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