
Ashfield Independents say ’embarrassment’ Lee Anderson can’t join their party

There’s absolutely no love lost between Lee Anderson and the Ashfield Independents. The Tory MP for the constituency is at a crossroads, after he was suspended by his party over the weekend. Now, another door has now slammed firmly in his face.

Will Lee Anderson join another political party?

In a statement issued earlier this week, the local political group welcomed the news that ‘30p Lee’ had the whip removed following comments he made about Sadiq Khan. Anderson told GB News that the London Mayor was ‘allowing Islamists to control the capital’.

His remarks, deemed Islamophobic by many, have sparked an almighty national backlash. But the Westminster firebrand is also facing criticism closer to home. The Ashfield Independents control their district, boasting a large majority in Council.

However, there appears to be no room at the inn for Lee Anderson:

“When Lee Anderson was a Labour Councillor, he was suspended by them too for his racism. That’s when he jumped ship to become a Tory. He may be considering another ship to leap to again! The fact is, that he has become an embarrassment to our area.”

“Everyone, I speak to simply wants an MP who is fighting for our area and not for their own headlines. They want action on the cost of living crisis, on access to Doctors appointments, and by God they want the potholes sorting out!”

“It’s time Lee did the right thing and stepped aside, so someone who simply wants to put Ashfield first and not their own agenda, can be our next MP.” |  Ashfield Independents

Ashfield Independents reject ’30p Lee’

Jason Zadrozny, leader of the Ashfield Independents and the Council, echoed this message further on Tuesday.

Posting to his Facebook page, the local leader – who is currently fighting to clear his name in an ongoing fraud scandal – stuck the boot in further on Anderson, slamming the controversial MP for his ‘gutter politics’:

“Lee Anderson is not an Ashfield Independent. Lots of you have been in touch asking if that now the MP is an independent (because he has had the whip withdrawn by the Conservatives), if that means he is an Ashfield Independent.”

“We are very pleased to confirm he is NOT, his dirty style of gutter politics will never be tolerated by our positive group. We are only interested in putting local people and our area first, not engaging in his playground games.” | Jason Zadrozny

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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