Search Result for 'ukip'

A better Europe starts with yourself

By Pieter Cranenbroek – International Politics Blogger The European elections won’t be held for another two months but the four biggest political parties in Britain are already warming up to it. After Nick Clegg challenged Nigel Farage to an old-fashioned duel, Ed Miliband and David Cameron have been dragged into the ...

A Nation once again?

By Tomás McGoldrick, Ireland Correspondent The recent Vision Critical poll of people in what could be known as ‘rest of the UK’ found that 62 per cent wanted Scotland to stay in the Union and 38 per cent are happy to see Scotland go it alone. It would have been interesting to ...

Yes: Scotland’s UK Future: Nasty, Brutish, and Short

By Pete Ramand and James Foley, authors of Yes: The Radical Case for Scottish Independence. Some call it the dismal science.  But, of all the referendum’s controversies, economics arouses the nastiest emotions. The media, along with No campaign leaders, frame the problem of Scotland’s economic security around Alex Salmond’s personal credibility, ...

Desperate times do not call for desperate measures

By Pieter Cranenbroek, International Politics Blogger In recent years it has become increasingly difficult to out yourself as a pro-European. The hosanna accompanying the European project in the 1990s that culminated in the move towards a political union seems to have vaporised. Rather than being forced to promote its policies, the ...

Britain’s ‘Out’ is out of the question

By Pieter Cranenbroek – International Politics Blogger The current British administration is hardly in love with the EU. Prime minister David Cameron proposed an ill-considered referendum on Britain’s future in Europe while Chancellor George Osborne has been reported saying that the EU is ‘killing’ the UK economy. It is yet another ...

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