Search Result for 'labour party'

PMQs 15th March – The lady is for U-turning

With about twenty minutes to go before PMQs the government announced a u-turn on raising NI for the self-employed. My guess is the aim was to throw Corbyn a curve ball and see if he could punish them from his back foot and think on his feet. It started with ...

Were Brexit voters Brainwashed by Russia?

Much has been written about fake news originating from Russia influencing the US election, stirring up unrest in Germany, and opening up divides across Europe. But how much did Russian fake news determine Brexit voters decision to leave the EU? Russian drive to destabilise the West As a result of ...

Parliamentary Sketch

PMQs 1st March – We didn’t come down in the last shower

If you had to say what is one thing you would never want to imagine, Theresa May and John Bercow showering together is probably top of my list. Well maybe just after Gary Barlow doing anything. Somehow this cropped up in today’s session, but more of that later, as I ...

Copeland is May’s Basildon Man

In the early days of Margaret Thatcher’s tenure as Prime Minister a sociological phenomenon dubbed the "Basildon man" came into existence to describe the archetypal Thatcher supporter that had previously been expected to vote Labour. The Basildon Man was at the heart of her political machine, denoting aspirational voters who ...

Who would win in a second referendum?

Trust UKIP to get us out of the EU, Labour wants to keep you in, a poster reads on the streets of Stoke on Trent in preparation for today's crucial by-election. Despite UKIP been entangled in a Paul Nuttall fiasco and Labour imposing a  three-line whip on their MPs to ...

Has Jeremy Corbyn strengthened his position by backing Brexit?

Following Jeremy Corbyn’s decision to issue a three-line whip on the Brexit vote fresh calls for his resignation are once again ringing around the halls of Westminster. Yawn. Ever since the Labour leader was voted in with the biggest mandate in the party’s history he has had to fend off ...

Parliamentary Sketch

PMQs 11th January –  Red Cross Blue Witless

It is fair to say that Corbyn had a turbulent day yesterday and he needed a strong PMQs to focus the attention on the Government’s NHS failings, and he did. It wasn’t hard to be fair, any politician, member of the public, or child for that matter could have asked ...

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