Search Result for 'Question Time'

How will ecommerce and traditional retail work together in the future?

By Davide Padoa, CEO of Design International. People have been predicting the slow death of the high street at the hands of the almighty internet for over a decade now. Although the internet has developed into its own massive shopping empire and has claimed some high profile victims on ...

Review, The Wind Rises

By Ollie Gayler  @OllieGayler As a career finale, The Wind Rises is suitably poignant.  Its message is not an overt warning as in Princess Mononoke.  Its fantasy is more subtle and human than that of Spirited Away and is not presented in opposition to reality, but rather woven into the ...

How to cope with divorce

By Sara Davison The harsh reality is that the UK has the highest rate of divorce in Europe with 42% of first marriages ending in divorce. This fact is not to be taken lightly as it is reported to be the 2nd most traumatic life experience after death of a loved ...

Fitness – Fresh Starts, Fresh Motivation, Fresh Goals!

By  Scott Laidler @Scott_Laidler One of the most common mistakes people make in the gym is losing momentum just as they start to see progress. A big reason for this is that, as we start to achieve our goals, we also start to get complacent. We stop thinking about how ...

The digital revolution of the legal industry

By Mark Edwards, General Manager at, an online legal service providing businesses and families with easy-to-use, professional legal documents and affordable help from specialist lawyers. The world around us is changing and the way we do things has transformed over the past few years. Thanks to the internet, we ...

HS2: Do we need it?

By Oliver Ward The Chinese built their High Speed Rail (HSR) in less than two years. In Britain we have been debating the subject for two years, members of all political parties have been stroking their chins in backrooms and passing memos between themselves but its expected completion date is ...

How devolution could be England’s velvet revolution

By Pieter Cranenbroek This September Scotland will finally have a chance to decide whether it wants to keep or leave the Union in its referendum on independence. In recent years, more and more power has been devolved to Scotland and Wales, whereas the English question has been largely ignored. But ...

The UKIP Bogeyman

By Tony Diver The PR moguls will tell us that any publicity is good publicity, but in the case of UKIP, they’ll have to make an exception. It’s not just that image is really important for any party, but when the publicity is so relentlessly awful that every major news ...

The Horrors of Fracking (2) . . . Could it devastate our food supply?

Author J T Coombes  @GMagnaCarta The Department of Energy and Climate Change (Decc) is to announce a new round of on-shore oil and gas exploration licensing with about two thirds of Britain potentially on offer to exploration companies. – Source Sunday Times 11/05/2014 Welcome to the National Parks    Britain's breathing spaces “There ...

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