Search Result for 'Farage'

Umunna says Farage is echoing Enoch Powell

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor A prominent Labour politician, Chuka Umunna, has accused the UKIP leader of echoing Enoch Powell. Umunna said that Farage was showing “shades of Enoch Powell” due to his warning that there may be violence on the streets of Britain if immigration kept rising. A vote ...

Farage criticised for using Brussels attack to argue for Brexit

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor UKIP leader Nigel Farage has come under fire and been called “disgusting” for “cheap political point scoring,” after he used the carnage in Brussels to back his Brexit campaign. The controversial figure has been branded as “disgusting” for using the deadly Brussels attacks as a ...

Farage is starting to sound like Trump

By Harold Stone Nigel Farage dominated Tuesday’s EU referendum debate. Some of us booed him, but that didn’t stop him getting massive applause. “Obama is the most anti-British president America has ever had,” was met with cheers from the audience. “In Brussels,” he continued, “they’re hell-bent on building a European ...

Why Farage is Unknowingly Aping 17th Century Anti-Catholic Language

By Darragh Roche In 1605, a group of religious extremists nearly bombed the state opening of parliament. If these terrorists had succeeded, the entire English ruling class, including the King, would have been wiped out in an instant. These fanatics hoped the ensuing chaos and panic would give their religion the ...


Miliband, Clegg and Farage’s CVs Leaked

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent The CVs of Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage have been leaked after all three leaders resigned from their respective parties. Ladbrokes Politics has leaked the CVs along with odds on who is likely to replace them as leader. At 5/2 Andy Burnham and Chuka Umunna ...

Farage is UK’s least “tech-savvy” leader

By Steve Taggart David Cameron tops poll, but almost two thirds believe British politicians don’t know enough about technology  Twitter fan David Cameron is the UK’s most tech-savvy politician with Nigel Farage polling in a distant fifth place, according to new research released today by However, the insights also ...

Nigel Farage probably likes pasties

By John Simm There was a certain degree of shock after the recent European elections. Joey Barton's not too tactful sentiments on Question Time summed it up quite adequately. Popular opinion often shifts to the right during recessions with people blaming "others" for their current poor fortunes. They always look ...

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