Search Result for 'NHS'

Leapfrog Leapband

Leapfrog Leapband – Review

By Jasmine Stephens, Family Editor The World Health Organisation regards childhood obesity as one of the biggest global public health challenges of this century. The latest figures from the National Child Measurement programme show that over 33% of 10-11 year olds and 22% of 4-5 year olds are either obese or ...

Parliamentary Sketch

Parliamentary Sketch 18th March – Cameron gets his Giddy-on

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Unlike every other PMQs, this one was a quiet affair. The MPs kept their shrieks and cries for the budget that followed, but there was still plenty of time for kitchen “jokes” aimed at Miliband, which (bacon) rolled - see anyone can do it - ...


Would you want to be treated for healthcare in the UK or US?

In a study comparing the healthcare systems in 11 of the world’s wealthiest countries, the United States was found to be bottom of the bunch. The report conducted by The Commonwealth Fund found the US was not only the most expensive but also the worst in terms of efficiency, performance ...


Pensioners “Unseen and Unheard” by Major Political Parties

New research has revealed three-quarters of people aged over 60 believe they are "unseen and unheard" by the major political parties in a damaging blow to all concerned in the upcoming General Election. The report, released by Churchill Retirement Living, found just eight per cent of the 1,000 respondents are happy with ...

Ignore the colour – it’s good Labour are Talking with Women

By June Eric Udorie This week, the Labour Party graced us with their newest campaign to attract female voters – a hot pink minibus with the words “Woman to Woman” written across it. Harriet Harman, the deputy leader of the Labour Party who is fronting the campaign said, “We don’t ...

Marketing the news to millennials

By Grace Regan, co–founder and editor–in–chief of Clippet It’s no secret by now that traditional media has got an age problem. Ask a room full of twenty–somethings where they get their news and you’d be lucky if more than one answered: ‘I go to the website every morning.’ It’s a ...

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