Search Result for 'NHS'

Review of Taking Power Back, by Simon Parker

By Rob Foster @futuresinfinite There’s no doubting that when it comes to political fashion, devolution is one of this Parliament’s essential items.  Following the Scottish referendum, the much-vaunted “Northern Powerhouse” schemes & the introduction of the Cities &Local Government Devolution Bill, the recent deadline for local proposals to be submitted to ...

Interview: Blacklisters

By Kane Power (@ElHeavio, @DeathInTexasUK)   Long-time visitors to this site will already be aware of how much we love Blacklisters. Their latest album Adult is still ringing in our ears with its black-humoured fuzzed-out racket, grown in the fertile soil of the Leeds hardcore scene. In his review of Adult TLE contributor Kane Power ...

Junior Doctors Contracts – Why are we fighting?

By, Anonymous  I am incredibly lucky. Because I have a career that I am passionate about. Because I have had fantastic training. Because after three years of undergraduate study, five years at medical school, two years as a foundation doctor and three years as a hospital doctor training to be ...

Defining the essence of our new healthcare economy

By Max du Bois, Spencer du Bois  The NHS identity is sixteen years old. Created in 1999, in a bid to improve recognition and accountability, it certainly has been a great success. But much has changed since then. For a start our healthcare has improved and moved on, and the ...

Finding Home, Real stories of migrant Britain – Review

By Henry Austin Described as “a swarm” by Prime Minister David Cameron, images and stories about migrants attempting to gain access to the Eurotunnel have saturated British media this summer. But as Emily Dugan points out in the prologue of her new book “Finding Home, Real Stories of Migrants in ...

Tesco To Cut Sugary Drinks Such As Ribena From Their Shelves

By Jonathan Hatchman, Food Editor, @TLE_Food The UK’s biggest Supermarket chain, Tesco has caused outrage across Internet social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, following their decision to remove sugary drinks such as Ribena from their shelves. A number of health campaigners, on the other hand, have welcomed the ...

#Budget2015: Technology once made Britain Great

By Mark Mason, Chairman enterprise app consultancy and developer, Mubaloo According to the latest budget, the UK is growing faster than any other major country (UK, 2.6%, USA 2.4%, Canada 2.4%, Japan 0.1%, France 0.4%, Germany 1.5% and Italy which shrank by 0.4%). The UK is also borrowing less and is ...

Medical Wearables: Future or Fairy Tale?

By Collette Johnson, Medical Business Development Manager, Plextek Consulting According to Deloitte, the global mobile health (mHealth) market should hit $26 billion by 2017, whilst the medical wearable device market is expected to be worth $5.8 billion globally by 2019. Encouraging progress in sensor-enabled patient monitoring, diagnosis and treatment, which ...

Titan mattress by Sleeping Duck – Review

By Jasmine Stephens, Family Editor Lower back pain is often seen as part and parcel of pregnancy with nearly 70% of pregnant women suffering at some point. Unfortunately, unlike many other pregnancy-related complaints, it often doesn’t end with labour and many women continue to experience lower back pain long after ...

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