Search Result for 'Starmer'

Boris Johnson to resign? Don’t let the door hit you on the arse

When Owen Jones led a rally aimed at unseating Boris Johnson last month little did he know that his actions would deal such a swift blow, but less than two week since he appeared alongside Emily Thornberry and Keir Starmer on the streets of Uxbridge and South Ruislip rumours of the Foreign Secretary's demise ...

It’s the (increasingly cooling) economy, stupid

My old economics teacher used to say that regardless of what other big issues might be surrounding a General Election the thing that really sticks in the back of people’s minds when they head to the polling stations is whether they can put food on the table. Labour’s chances of ...

“Today’s White Paper borders on a fairy tale,” says Union Chief

The government has just published its White Paper setting out its Brexit plans. The document sets out the government’s 12 principles including migration control and "taking control of our own laws". Brexit Secretary David Davis said the UK's "best days are still to come", outside the EU. However one union has reacted ...

Corbyn Wins – What Next?

Former underdog Jeremy Corbyn is on course to beat challenger Owen Smith and will most likely be re-elected leader of the Labour Party next week. But then what? From purges to merges, deselections to elections, here are ten things to keep an eye on: 1. Reselections It used to be the case that before ...

List of 140 Labour MPs who voted for Trident

Here is a list of Labour MPs and how they voted on Trident renewal, the final vote in the Commons was 472 votes in favour against 117 against, so the margin was very large. Out of the Labour members 140 voted for the renewal of the controversial nuclear deterrent renewal. ...

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