Search Result for 'conservatives'

The London Economic

Talking About Race isn’t Divisive, it’s Necessary

The most baffling aspect of the recent all white Oscars nominations was not the lack of ethnic minorities. That's par for the course thanks to the ageing, mostly white and male Academy voters. The really disturbing part was reaction from some online commentators, including journalists, who criticised the #OscarsSoWhite hashtag. ...

Labour Leader Corbyn Attacks Businesses ‘Unfair’ Pay

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Jeremy Corbyn has taken a tough stance against businesses who pay dividends to shareholders, but don't pay their workers the living wage at the same time. He said a Labour Government could ban companies carrying out this practice, if they were elected to form a ...

Something is Rotten in the United States

The greatest democracy on earth had a troubled and divisive 2015. Unarmed African-Americans were killed by police with shocking frequency, a leading presidential candidate brought racism and bigotry into the political mainstream and America's influence abroad was further eroded by crises partly of the country's own making. America starts 2016 ...

Caitlyn Jenner is Conservative, Get Over it

Caitlyn Jenner was briefly a saint to the left thanks to her global coming out as a woman. When Bruce became Caitlyn the world became just a little more accepting of transgender people and for that she deserves credit. However, many on the left, especially social justice advocates, have snapped ...

It is Time to Let 16-year-olds Vote

THE EU referendum is the most important vote in Britain in a generation. It will influence the UK for the rest of the century. Everything from Scottish secession to peace in Northern Ireland to the international economy are involved. It is a national disgrace that 16 and 17-year-olds will be ...

Working Poor will be Cameron’s Legacy

Working poor will be Cameron’s legacy Everyone from Labour to the Sun claimed victory when Chancellor George Osborne reversed his plan to scrap tax credits for working families. But as the Independent reported, the poorest in Britain are still getting poorer. The Conservative government’s planned cuts to welfare will see ...

Tax Credits Unravelling The Tory Brand

By Callum Towler  Tax Credits is that trojan horse moment of revelation, a party who infiltrated the heart of government claiming the best intentions, suddenly revealing its dark ideological core for all to see. If a political party’s brand is it’s core meaning, then rhetoric channelled through the media is ...

TLE meets…author Simon Parker

Rob Foster @FuturesInfinite interviews Simon Parker author of Taking Power Back Published by Policy Press Local Devolution in England is at the forefront of political thinking at the moment, although like all seemingly overnight sensations it’s taken a long time to arrive. Do you think its time has finally come, ...

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