Search Result for 'climate'

The Left has Plenty of New Ideas on the Economy

On the economy, it’s clear why the right claim the left have run out of ideas. Under Miliband, Labour were more like a lost battalion playing catch up than real opposition, unanimous in support for austerity (although of the lighter variety) and feeble in refuting the ludicrous assertion that Brown’s ...

Must watch: Corbyn Syria bombing stance hauntingly familiar

With Defense Secretary Michael Fallon and David Cameron attempting to convince Parliament to back military airstrikes in Syria, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn's staunch anti-war stance is coming under attack. Corbyn is under increasing pressure to allow his MPs a free vote on Syria, facing a party split and revolt from ...

Sustainable Development: An Insight into a Renewable World

By Lauren Devine Renewable World is an international NGO with a handle on two of the most pressing global crises we face: the eradication of poverty and climate change. Their mission is to improve health, income and education opportunities for some of the world’s most disadvantaged communities, using climate-friendly methods ...

How to garden in small spaces – learn from the experts

By Sam Webb As urban populations grow, people living in cities have gradually begun to feel disconnected to nature. With the already limited available space shrinking before our eyes, opportunities for gardening in cramped urban environments have become increasingly sort after. This has led to a plethora of products; from ...

The green shoots of Crowdfunding

By Ryan Carter @rwscarter There is a beautiful bottom-up revolution underway in the energy market, but like all revolutions there is hurdles the question is can the state facilitate the green revolution, I think it should. This requires putting into reverse how the state has been seen in market interventions ...

Help the environment and reduce your winter business costs

This week warnings from climate change scientists this informed us that the world is halfway towards the threshold that could result in dangerous climate change, revealing that average global temperatures have recorded a rise of one degree Celsius for the first time. The met office informed us that record warm ...

The world according to Trump

By Darragh Roche FORGET everything you know about the world – that’s the first step to understanding America’s true conservatives. ‘True’ is an essential word here. Millions of Americans identify as true conservatives, so much there’s even a popular Twitter hashtag (#tcot, read with care). Donald Trump, the billionaire making ...

Energy: We Need to Own it

By Oliver Ward    Over the last three months, for the first time in history, Britain's renewable energy production surpassed its coal production. A monumental moment, the palpable demonstration of how far renewable energy has come in the UK and the changing attitudes towards our role as inhabitants on this planet. ...

Animal Agriculture off the Agenda Again

Opinion from Jimmy Pierce Experts will soon gather in Paris for the annual UN Climate Change Conference to discuss how to cut carbon emissions and halt temperature rises, but the principal contributor is likely to be left off the agenda. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption, ...

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