Search Result for 'hostile environment'

Why Corbyn’s Labour Manifesto Is Well Worth A Read

Though many of the main elements of Labour's 2017 election manifesto and its 'For The Many Not The Few' pitch were leaked last week, the full manifesto is well worth a read as it offers a very different vision for Britain than the Conservatives have given us so far. Some ...

IWD: how women can get ahead at work

By Shari Hofer, VP marketing, Rosetta Stone As high-profile female leaders continue to infiltrate the boardroom and even lead our country, there’s a welcome shift in the way women are being perceived. Indeed, International Women’s Day (IWD) certainly highlights progress in changing attitudes towards strong females, however a level of ...

Landscape of Horrors

Landscape of Horrors By Michael McNulty Imagine being trapped in your car, stalked by a truck down endless highways, or chased through the Louisiana swamps by a vengeful group of Cajun hunters. Being stuck in the middle of nowhere, fighting for survival, having to keep your wits about you in ...

Has Brexit Cost The World UK’s International Aid?

By Rebecca Root Brexit has brought with it an immeasurable scale of uncertainty but there’s one thing that is certain, and that’s the inflated costs to international NGOs. The declining value of the pound, loss of EU funding and increased inflation rates are all leaving charities at a loss that’s ...

Lessons from Biosphere 2

  By Guy Dorrell @GuyDorrellEsq Many of us dream of stripping away the complications of modern life, its hectic pace, its technologies, the dependency upon a steady income, and returning to how our distant ancestors must have lived. Of course there are complications and contradictions; few of us want to ...

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