Search Result for 'Tory leadership'

Alex Salmond: The Rise and Demise of a Chameleon Politician

By David Thomson Alex Salmond may have lost the vote for independence and stood down as  leader of the SNP and Scotland's First Minister, but there's still widespread respect for him as a politician. Conservative leader David Cameron and his Labour counterpart reacted to him stepping down with similar expressions of ...

Rooney Time?

Sport News 24/7 By Ronan George This week promises to be a big one for Rooneys and football. England captain, Wayne, will win his 100th cap as the national team take on Slovenia in a European Championship qualifier at Wembley on Saturday. While at the House of Commons, a little ...

Dead Ed: Time to Listen to the Regions

By Nathan Lee, Politics Correspondent  What happened to the days when the Premier League was just Manchester United and Chelsea, Mourinho versus Ferguson, red versus blue? The title would slide one way and then the other, the status quo occasionally disrupted by a surprising league or FA cup run but by ...

Lee Clark and the Comet

Sport News 24/7 By Chris Brown @vivabrownie @TLE_Sport Springfield. The time is 4.30am. A clear, crisp, purple-black sky plays backdrop to a multitude of glistening stars arranged in their numerous constellations. The residents of the famous cartoon town sleep, unperturbed, save for two of its better known characters – Principal ...

Could the Scottish Referendum Bring About the Next Magna Carta?

By J T Coombes @GMagnaCarta The Scottish people have decided the fate of their country in a resounding manner that can only be applauded by the rest of the UK and voters in America and the rest of the democratic world. They have demonstrated a fervent desire to connect with ...

New look England or another false dawn?

Sport News 24/7 By David de Winter, Sports Editor @Sport_TLE @davidjdewinter Two games, two wins. You can’t ask for much more after the debacle that was the World Cup in Brazil. Except you can if you are the English media. An admittedly drab 1-0 victory against a limited Norway side had sections ...

The 10 Most Unique Place to Study and Live Abroad

Gap years and erasmus exchange programmes are becoming increasingly popular today as university students look to add a little spice to their CV that will make them stand out from the crowd. Students or prospective students that take a year out of their studies to travel abroad or study whilst ...

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