Search Result for 'Tory leadership'

The sick man of Britain: The NHS turns 69

In 1853 in the run up to the Crimean War John Russell quoted Nicholas I of Russia as describing the Ottoman Empire as "the sick man of Europe". Over the years the term has been applied to most failing states within the continent and as 2016 ticked around it was Britain's turn ...

Considerations For Going Global

It's a wonderful milestone for a company when it reaches the point where it can expand into overseas operations. The term "multinational" is used to describe these firms, and the title of being a multinational corporation is one of distinction. A company that has become so successful as to have ...

Election 2017: The Sliding Doors Edition

Here's a Pro Tip drawn from the world of sportswriting: If you are ever called upon to write a match report – and in football that means you file within ten minutes of the final whistle unless you want to discover just how loudly an editor can scream into a ...

BBC Election debate: The verdict

By The Retired Raver The eagerly anticipated leaders election debate took place tonight in Cambridge with the conspicuous and much mentioned absence of the Prime Minister Theresa May. The seven politicians including the last minute entrance of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, took their places onstage and lined up to challenge Conservative stand in Amber Rudd ...

Five Labour narratives that simply aren’t true

Given that they hold so much influence over our hearts and minds, it’s a bit of a problem for our democracy that the majority of the UK press is owned by a handful of foreign-based billionaires, who predominantly back the Tories.. The proprietors of our favourite newspapers have significant financial interests ...

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