Search Result for 'Michael Gove'

Free? Why Electric Cars may soon be even more Cost Effective

By Michael Boxwell Eco-friendly cars have long been a good investment for Londoners. Driving an electric vehicle means you are exempt from both congestion charges and VED (road tax) both pet hates of the average motorist. There are an abundance of charging points around the City and local government offer ...

Russell vs Jo: The Battle of the Open Letter

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic  The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope.”  ― Karl Marx If there was ever an example of 21st century Marxism, the open letter fiasco between Russell Brand and Jo 'the disgruntled RBS worker' would be it. ...

FIFA’s Latest Corruption the Final Straw

Sport News 24/7 By Matthew Biggin  @MatthewBiggin @TLE_Sport So, it’s been almost a week since Michael Garcia, the gentleman assigned to examine the report clearing FIFA of any wrong doing surrounding the 2018 Russia World Cup and the farcical Qatar 2022 World Cup bids has found out, how to put ...

FIFA corruption a blight on the beautiful game

By David de Winter – Sports Editor @davidjdewinter  @TLE_Sport  The announcement by FIFA’s self-appointed ‘independent’ ethics committee that it was closing its investigation into alleged corruption over the bidding process to host the 2018 and 2022 World Cups was not surprising.  If I’d set up my own ‘independent ethics committee’ ...

The trouble with Ed Miliband

By Richard Roberts The trouble with Ed Miliband isn’t that he’s too intellectual and can’t communicate with ordinary people. It isn’t that he’s too socialist and in the pocket of the trades unions. It isn’t even that he looks like Wallace; nor that by allowing himself to be snapped eating ...

Africa Rising

By Ikràn M.Omar @IkranM Despite Africa's long prophesied ascension as the next economic powerhouse there are still questions to be answered on whether this could ever materialise. The main question is whether it is a safe and solid investment. To invest in anything there needs to be a prospect of a ...

Butler-Sloss steps down from child abuse inquiry

By Joe Mellor Deputy Editor Widespread doubts about the appointment of Butler-Sloss have forced her to step down from the inquiry, into allegations of historical child abuse. Seen as an establishment figure, the suspicious was she is too close to senior politicians, police and civil servants, who could be implicated ...

Intolerance and the DUP

By Tomas McGoldrick Northern Ireland has often been accused of being behind the times, but in one area we seem to be ahead of the curve. The recent European elections have seen a surge in support for anti-immigrant, xenophobic parties. In Britain UKIP dominated the headlines by topping the poll, ...

The Riddle of Erskine Childers

By Guy Dorrell @GuyDorrellEsq With one outburst, Tracey Emin unwittingly created a new art movement. “Your paintings are stuck, you are stuck! Stuck! Stuck! Stuck!” criticised her at-the-time boyfriend, Billy Childish’s view on how art should be. Emin’s art had become about the conceptual; My Bed and Everyone I Have ...

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