Search Result for 'Michael Gove'

Kevin Pieterson

ECB set dangerous precedent by excluding Pietersen

Sport News 24/7 By David de Winter - Sports Editor @davidjdewinter  @TLE_Sport Well, what a busy couple of days it has been at the ECB headquarters.  I say busy but given the soap opera-esque goings-on at the ECB for the past two years it just seems like another day at ...

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Main political parties’ housing pledges

By Bea Patel, Property Editor and Director of Shop for an Agent, the estate agent comparison site It's not surprising that the political parties' are including housing as a key policy in their manifesto for the upcoming election tomorrow. We're in the midst of a housing crisis, with half the ...

The Emperor’s New Clothes – Film Review

By Dr Katy Shaw ‘There is nothing in this film you don’t already know’ declares Russell Brand in the opening scene of Michael Winterbottom’s new movie about the 2007-8 financial crisis Emperor’s New Clothes. A joint project between heavy-weights of the directing and comedy worlds, the movie’s main focus is the financial ...


Top 20 most affordable places to commute into London

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Unless you want to live in a converted garage or stowaway in a different wheelie bin every night, London is increasingly outside the price range of most of us. TLE has scoured the areas outside of London where you could afford to buy and still ...

Still Waiting: Orgreave Justice 30 Years On

By Dr Katy Shaw  The Battle of Orgreave was one of the most violent and iconic moments of the 1984-5 UK miners’ strike. On 18 June 1984, a sunny summer’s day in Yorkshire, around 4000 miners clashed with around 8000 police outside a British Steel coking plant. Official police video ...

Radicalizing Jihadi John

By Michael Duffy In the aftermath of the unveiling of Islamic State (IS) spokesman and executioner dubbed ‘Jihadi John’ as Kuwaiti-born Londoner Mohammed Emwazi, it became apparent that he had been on the radar of the intelligence services for some time, and that harassment by these services could have fuelled ...

Improvement Needed to Protect Victims of Domestic Violence

By Siobhan Weare, Expert on domestic violence from Lancaster University’s Law School Measures to protect victims of domestic abuse have featured prominently in the news recently, and any steps taken to address the issue and offer increased legal protection for victims are welcome. But, there still needs to be improvements ...

Kenya: ‘The Last Place on Earth; The Great Migration’

By Jonathan and Angela Scott I have travelled the world with my wife Angela in an attempt to capture the visual splendour of our wild places. We have marvelled at the sight of tens of thousands of king penguins pressed shoulder to shoulder among the guano spattered tussock grass at ...

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