Search Result for 'Wetherspoons'


Restaurant Review – Walkers of Whitehall

The great British pub is almost dead and I, for one, am unhappy. A few weeks ago, I visited Avebury’s The Red Lion Inn – the only pub within an ancient stone circle, built during the 1600s. Ten years ago, it was impossible to leave without having been filled with ...


Restaurant Review – Simpson’s-in-the-Strand

In this modern-day world of inescapable food fads and single menu demi-chains dominating London’s restaurant scene; the notion of visiting a British institution for dinner is actually somewhat refreshing. First opened in 1828, Simpson’s-in-the-Strand is located within The Savoy hotel and looks as though very little has been changed over ...

Brexit endorsements explained by Wikipedia

While everyone else has been busy mudslinging, Wikipedia has produced a very balanced list of everyone who has made an endorsement during this EU referendum: Endorsements in the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, 2016 Here are some highlights... BREMAIN BREXIT International Politicians President of the USA Prime Minister of Canada Prime ...

Castleford: Home of Beers from the Wood

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic Real ale has been awaiting a wood renaissance for some time. Unlike wine, port, sherry and whisky the expressions in ale are not afforded the opportunity to develop once they enter the cask, and so they are only ever as good as ...

The Monopolisation of London’s Craft Industry

By Jack Peat, TLE Editor What is craft beer? It is a quandary that has perplexed the modern hipster for as long as their beards have been long and their hair has been an absent bystander amongst geek-chic glasses and lumberjack shirts. For most people the term is associated with ‘small’ ...

Don’t be swayed by The Sway

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic In London, the land of the real deal, poor imitations stick out like a sore thumb. Described as being a 'stylish nightclub with 1970s-themed disco, a club room and restaurant with an eclectic menu', The Sway is more akin to a Wetherspoons ...

I want to live in…Catford

“It isn’t pretty but it has a big black plastic cat,” I was told a few years ago by my girlfriend who is from around that area. A few years on and it’s exactly the same. I guess in a rapidly changing London some consistency is quite comforting. This is ...

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