Search Result for 'Reform UK '


Euro leaders vote for Brexit

Today, European leaders unanimously voted for Britain to leave the EU. During reform talks in Brussels, EU leaders staged a vote to decide whether Britain should be ejected from the European community before the ‘in or out’ referendum takes place in Britain on June 23rd 2016. European Presedent Sven Jose ...

The Legacy of Thatcherite Economics

By James Clark The Thatcherite legacy has remained ingrained in the centre right consensus of mainstream political politics for decades. The Winter of Discontent hammered the final nail of stigma into the British Trade Union movement. Whilst a crisis of supply side inflationary pressure eat away at pay packets, strikes were ...

How the Banks Make Millions out of Thin Air

By Lee Carnihan  Who creates 97 per cent of the money in our economy?  If you said the government or the Bank of England you're wrong. It's not a trick question but there’s more to it than meets the eye. The answer depends on which money you're talking about. If ...

Europe: In vs Out is Politics vs Economics

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic  On Tuesday British Prime Minister David Cameron will deliver a warning to European leaders that he will consider banging the drum for the ‘out’ campaign in the run up to the referendum if his demands for reform are "met with a deaf ...

TLE meets…author Simon Parker

Rob Foster @FuturesInfinite interviews Simon Parker author of Taking Power Back Published by Policy Press Local Devolution in England is at the forefront of political thinking at the moment, although like all seemingly overnight sensations it’s taken a long time to arrive. Do you think its time has finally come, ...

Restaurant Review – The Hinds Head, Bray

By Jonathan Hatchman, Food Editor, @TLE_Food With the grand re-opening of The Fat Duck, statistically one of the globe’s finest restaurants, there’s a great deal of excitement within the West Berkshire village of Bray at the moment. In fact, there’s such a great deal of hype that the taxi driver ...

The Shame of Being a Meat Eater

By Dave Binder  I have a terrible confession to make: I really like meat. I know, I’m a monster. Not literally, like the Loch Ness Monster or Albi the racist dragon, but for liking and consuming my fair share of beef, chicken, pork and lamb et al. I do sometimes ...

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