Search Result for 'Farage'

Do you trust the Conservatives to feed your family?

It's happened. People are finally taking the risks of Brexit seriously. In Europe, politicians are talking about giving Britain the chance to stay in the EU. Prominent Irish media have urged their government to help Britain by extending the Article 50 deadline. And the Independent has launched a petition for ...

No, Jeremy Corbyn will not destroy the UK

"Keeping Jeremy Corbyn away from No. 10 is an essential national endeavour" the Daily Telegraph thunders. The reliably Conservative newspaper took some time off from trumpeting Brexit to once again attack the Labour leader. These attacks are becoming more hyperbolic by the day. The Telegraph is trying to convince its ...

Brexiters jump ship after their fantasy unravels before their eyes

"In politics, there are Realists and there are Romantics", William Hague wrote in the Telegraph today. His words echo those printed in a Guardian editorial last week before the Chequers outcome unravelled, pointing to the collection of rudderless populists that have been left in charge of running the country for the past ...

How would Trump handle Brexit? Just ask North Korea

In Boris Johnson's recent leaked remarks, for which he has still not been sacked, the Foreign Secretary said “Imagine Trump doing Brexit. I have become more and more convinced that there is method in his madness.” Most people laughed off this comment as yet another example of Johnson's toadying up ...

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