Search Result for 'poverty'

I want to live in… Bermondsey

When I think of Bermondsey I have visions of Ray Winstone’s terrifying role in Nil by Mouth, and Millwall fans throwing rocks at horses. It is also another place where I have lived, albeit for one night. An old uni friend said I could stay in his flat, as long ...

child education in the third world

By Gregory Taylor It maybe not be something that is at the top of everyone’s lists at the moment, but an issue which I feel is important and possibly overlooked is that around 57 million children around the world are currently not getting any sort of education. This is shocking. ...

Two Days, One Night – film reivew

By Anna Power @KitNapz In Two Days, One Night we are taken on a Homeric Odyssey of sorts. The Dardenne Brothers (Rosetta, The Kid with a Bike) are masters of subtlety, telling simple stories about ordinary working class people, which reveal more about us as human beings, than thought possible. ...

Ask not what your country can do for you

By Andy Irwin Andy Irwin argues that social change isn’t going to come from Westminster, we (the people) have to drive it. He talks to an activist in Staffordshire about a new environmentally responsible social enterprise designed to alleviate fuel poverty and reliance of fossil fuels in the area. The ...

Four reasons to worry about your job

By Valentina Magri All that glitters is not gold. ONS data released on August 13th for the second quarter of 2014 shows that Britain currently enjoys a record low unemployment rate at 6.4 per cent and an increase in employment (+167,000 persons). The jobs market seems to also be improving ...

Euro-African trade signifies changing relations

By Stephen Angus Peter Junor  October represents a deadline for the various African blocs to negotiate and accept a free trade deal with the EU, a deal which has been on the table since Doha 2000. African relations with the EU are split into five blocs: West Africa, Central Africa, Eastern ...

The left must move beyond ‘just’ inequality

By David Binder The issue of economic inequality has once again been thrust into the spotlight by French economist Thomas Picketty’s new book ‘Capital in the Twenty-First century.’ Whilst his research has been discussed at great length elsewhere (the Washington Centre for Equitable Growth has produced a useful summary of ...

Optimism about immigration?

  By Marcus Hunt There are potentially many reasons why an individual might be pro- or anti-immigration. Beliefs about immigration’s concrete effect on the economy, crime, or public services like health and education can be important. However, most people who take a strong view on immigration – and here I ...

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