Search Result for 'Instagram'

Punters rush to back Jacob Ress-Mogg as leadership bid rumours circulate

Almost three-quarters of bets in the next Conservative leader market are now being placed on Jacob Ress-Mogg as rumours circulate that the MP is planning to launch a leadership bid. According to betting data Rees-Mogg's odds of becoming the next Conservative leader have been cut to 6/1 as the market starts to heat ...


Kikuchi serves some of London’s best sushi

Devastatingly, most of London’s Japanese restaurants have become poseur pilgrimages, instead of dining institutions. Terminuses for those who’ll choose a place for dinner based on the “vibe”, dress like stars from terrible films and push their raw fish around a slate, pretending to have fun before settling the four-figure bill ...

The Kyle Jenner effect: Give her a break

Who influences you? Of course the obvious answer would be our parents, people in power and a handful of celebs that we follow on social media. But the reality is, we are influenced daily, hourly and most of the time, without even realising it. Adverts, music, colours and people in ...

Is the date dead?

In a world of app dating and social media stalking, it’s hard to remember a time when we didn’t already know TMI about our date. We’ve taken window shopping to the extreme and along with it, we’ve thrown out the traditional date in favour of something far seedier. We know ...

Lake Como

Lake Como: 7 things to know before you go

The north Italian area of Lake Como is a tempting attraction for those in need of panoramic beauty, traditional Italian meals and a timeless charm. Add in the possibility of bumping into its most famous resident, George Clooney, and I was tempted enough to visit in June - just ahead ...

5 politicians who turned pure banter

There was a time when banter would have gone down like an unsubsidised pint of bitter in the Houses of Parliament, but since the dawn of social media an increasing amount of MPs have taken to social media repartee as a means of polishing their public persona. And why not? ...

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