After the shock of Donald Trump's election last November, many people took comfort from his acceptance speech and his speech after meeting Obama at the White House. After his incendiary campaign, there was hope that his craving for public approval would mean that he would govern more like a conventional Conservative politician and build a wider base of support. His first week in power has shattered this illusion. It would be a mistake to assume either that his first actions...
This week Starbucks hit back at Donald Trump's travel ban with a promise to hire 10,000 refugees globally over the next five years. The warm gesture will provide a much-needed PR boost for the often beleaguered coffee house chain, but sentiment has little to do with it, the truth is that it makes good business sense. At the end of last year Starbucks capped off another record quarter with the announcement that it plans to have more than 37,000 stores open by 2021 - that’s...
When we think of theft we usually think of physical robberies, getaway cars and police-chases, not office-based staff fiddling with spreadsheets. Yet many shareholders in recent years have seen their wealth robbed by executives who have been involved in fraudulent corporate financial and non-financial reporting. Not only have we discovered that BT has misstated its profits by over £500m over a number of years, but a new lawsuit has been launched by a US investment management firm against Tesco for...
By David McGuinness Twenty-sixteen was the year of post-truth. Even the Oxford Dictionary says so, naming post-truth its Word of the Year, calling it, “an adjective defined as relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.” Or perhaps, in other words, lying. Yes, lies are news and the truth is obsolete, to coin a phrase. At least, that appears to be the case. But how...
Savage and biased, it is precisely this sort of journalism that propelled Trump into power in the first place.
By Niki Kandirikirira, Director of Programmes at Equality Now The Women’s March on London this Saturday saw around 100,000 people come onto the capital’s streets to demand that the rights of women and minorities be protected and promoted. In what turned into an historic day, the London march was just one of over 600 peaceful demonstrations held in more than 60 countries. Images from around the world showed a remarkable number of participants, with between 3.7 and 5 million people...
Today Google has announced a new initiative to rid the internet of fake news. Fifty thousand pounds of seed capital has been offered to the group that can find claims online and determine whether or not they are true. But for such a pitiful amount of start-up cash you’d be better throwing the money down the drain. The problem is that it’s near impossible to fit fake news into an algorithmic solution. It is often more a manipulation of facts...
By Jamie Whear There are 100 million working horses, donkeys and mules in the world. They are the tractors, taxis and engines that power developing economies, working in the construction industry, carrying food and water, and transporting goods to market. It’s estimated that each animal can support a family of six, so around 600 million people’s lives are supported by a working equine - 8% of the world’s population. Without healthy working horses, donkeys and mules, they wouldn’t be able...
In the week Theresa May defiantly delivered her "hard right" stance on the Brexit negotiations and America gets set to inaugurate one of the most "hard right" figures in modern political history the message of 2017 has become quite clear; If 2016 delivered the body blows, the next few years are going to be a series of repeated knock out punches. With them has come a series of worrying undertones about the state of the current social and political climate... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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